Spring Program starts March 26, 2025!

Finishing and Treating Outdoor Furniture
Want to learn how to weatherproof wooden furniture? Join us to
finish a new gathering area at the entrance of the MNFC. Together
we’ll build skills in treating outdoor furniture, so it stays protected
from the weather.
Sessions at Every One Every Day are free and open to everyone! No registration is required for this session.

Building Slat Furniture
If you’re interested in building unique outdoor furniture, or have
carpentry skills to share, join us to design and build a new gathering space at the entrance of the MNFC! We’ll learn about building outdoor slat furniture, incorporating Indigenous elements.
Sessions at Every One Every Day are free and open to everyone! No registration is required for this session.

Building Slat Furniture
If you’re interested in building unique outdoor furniture, or have
carpentry skills to share, join us to design and build a new gathering space at the entrance of the MNFC! We’ll learn about building outdoor slat furniture, incorporating Indigenous elements.
Sessions at Every One Every Day are free and open to everyone! No registration is required for this session.

Spring Planting
Do you want to learn about native plants while helping to create a unique garden outside of the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre? Join us by the Wije’winen sign off Brunswick Street with close-toed shoes and clothing comfortable for gardening to plant species native to Mi’kma’ki! Illustration by Shannon Long

Powwow Dancer Mural Painting
Do you want to contribute to a beautiful mural that will honour and represent Mi’kmaw culture? Join in to paint the murals of pre-traced powwow dancers that will be mounted at the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre. Open to all levels of painters! Illustration by Shannon Long

Powwow Dancer Mural Painting
Do you want to contribute to a beautiful mural that will honour and represent Mi’kmaw culture? Join in to paint the murals of pre-traced powwow dancers that will be mounted at the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre. Open to all levels of painters! Illustration by Shannon Long

Dream Your Neighbourhood
Have ideas about how we can work together to transform underused spaces across the city? Take a walk with us around the neighbourhood to scope out sites and re-imagine outdoor spaces that we can dream and build together.

Powwow Mural Build #3
Share our vision and paint the powwow dancer mural that will lead to the entrance of the Friendship Centre. Together, let’s make a vibrant entry way!

Fall Planting
Join neighbours Eileen and Quincy to learn about fall planting and fill the garden boxes built over the summer, to beautify the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre. Help to choose what sights and colours will bloom in this new green space!

Powwow Mural Build #2
Come along to help create a greater sense of identity for the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre as we start building a powwow dancer mural that will lead to the entrance of the Friendship Centre. Learn how to use a jigsaw!

Powwow Mural Build #1
To prepare for the mural that will get painted outside the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre, join in to learn about what types of powwow dancers we’ll see painted and some teachings around them while we draw out the mural.

Dream Your Neighbourhood
Have ideas about how we can work together to transform underused spaces across the city? Take a walk with us around the neighbourhood to scope out sites and re-imagine outdoor spaces that we can dream and build together.

Gathering Table Build
Learn new skills as we transform the entrance space of the Friendship Centre to be a place to gather outside. Grab some tools, bring your family or friends, and come along to help build tables and more! All skills levels welcome.

Gathering Table Build
Learn new skills as we transform the entrance space of the Friendship Centre to be a place to gather outside. Grab some tools, bring your family or friends, and come along to help build tables and more! All skills levels welcome.

Building Benches II
Do you have an eye for detail and like to make things look good? Hosted by OSO planning + design.

Building Benches I
Do you enjoy using tools and want to help build seating? Hosted by OSO planning + design.

Placing and Filling Planters
Want to get your hands dirty and design the garden space? Hosted by OSO planning + design.