Spring Program starts March 26, 2025!

Gathering Table Seating Build
If you’re interested in building unique outdoor furniture, and/or have carpentry skills to share, join us to build seating around our new gathering table at the entrance of the MNFC! All skill levels are welcome.

Gathering Table Seating Build
If you’re interested in building unique outdoor furniture, and/or have carpentry skills to share, join us to build seating around our new gathering table at the entrance of the MNFC! All skill levels are welcome.

Gathering Table Seating Build
If you’re interested in building unique outdoor furniture, and/or have carpentry skills to share, join us to build seating around our new gathering table at the entrance of the MNFC! All skill levels are welcome.

Community Build Trailer Drop-In
Is there something you need to fix or cut, but don’t have the tool for it? Do you want to try different hand and power tools? Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn, or a seasoned maker with skills to share, we welcome you to bring your projects and ideas to the Community Build Trailer to meet handy neighbours, have on-site access to tools, learn tool basics, and chat about project ideas.

Bulletin Build
Help us put the finishing touches on the new information hub at the community garden, including installing a corkboard, painting a chalkboard, and building shelving.

Little Free Library Installation
Little Free Library is a book-exchange movement designed for books to be accessible to the community. Come learn the steps to installing one as we place the George Dixon Little Free Library, built with the George Dixon Youth Program, in the park where it will live.

Community Build Trailer Drop-In
Is there something you need to fix or cut, but don’t have the tool for it? Do you want to try different hand and power tools? Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn, or a seasoned maker with skills to share, we welcome you to bring your projects and ideas to the Community Build Trailer to meet handy neighbours, have on-site access to tools, learn tool basics, and chat about project ideas.

Raised Bed Levelling
Curious about how to secure a raised garden bed in the ground? Learn how to and help to level the raised beds at the footings of the community garden arbour.

Trellis Build
Want to create a structure that supports and displays climbing plants? Join us to build your skills with woodworking and power tools in this fun trellis building session.

Trellis Build
Want to create a structure that supports and displays climbing plants? Join us to build your skills with woodworking and power tools in this fun trellis building session.

Bulletin Build
Join us to build an information bulletin for the garden and community at the GDCG. We’ll learn about sign building, sign
installation, and keeping our bulletin safe from the rain and snow.
Sessions at Every One Every Day are free and open to everyone! No registration is required for this session.

Bulletin Build
Join us to build an information bulletin for the garden and community at the GDCG. We’ll learn about sign building, sign
installation, and keeping our bulletin safe from the rain and snow.
Sessions at Every One Every Day are free and open to everyone! No registration is required for this session.

Arbour Assembly
Do you want to learn how to build garden structures like arbours and trellises? Do you have skills in building and assembling that you want to share? Join us to assemble an arbour at the garden gates of the George Dixon Community Garden.
Sessions at Every One Every Day are free and open to everyone! No registration is required for this session.

Arbour Assembly
Do you want to learn how to build garden structures like arbours and trellises? Do you have skills in building and assembling that you want to share? Join us to assemble an arbour at the garden gates of the George Dixon Community Garden.
Sessions at Every One Every Day are free and open to everyone! No registration is required for this session.

Sign Painting
Do you like painting? Are you curious about outdoor sign making? Come to the GDCG to paint a garden sign and learn how to mount it. All ages are welcome!
Sessions at Every One Every Day are free and open to everyone! No registration is required for this session.

Power Tools 101
Do you want to learn how to use different power tools, or have power tool skills to share? Learn safety considerations and practice measuring and cutting wood in preparation for assembling the arbour and information bulletin at the GDCG.
Sessions at Every One Every Day are free and open to everyone! No registration is required for this session.

Power Tools 101
Do you want to learn how to use different power tools, or have power tool skills to share? Learn safety considerations and practice measuring and cutting wood in preparation for assembling the arbour and information bulletin at the GDCG.
Sessions at Every One Every Day are free and open to everyone! No registration is required for this session.

Explore the Build Trailer
Is there a build project you want to bring to life with your neighbours? Have you heard about the Build Trailer but haven’t visited yet? Come see what it’s all about! Bring your questions and ideas. We’ll have food to share.

Build a Bench Hook
Join carving host Jackie to build bench hooks for our Neighbourhood Shop. Bench hooks are safety tools that you may have used if you’ve been to any printmaking or carving sessions! Learn how to use different power tools in this DIY session.

Place Stepping Stones
Join in and place your mosaic stepping stones in the MNFC garden along Brunswick St. to leave a lasting impression on the landscape. We’ll also be celebrating the completion of the Powwow Dancer Mural as part of the Halifax Mural Festival!

Explore the Build Trailer
Is there a build project you want to bring to life with your neighbours? Have you heard about the Build Trailer but haven’t visited yet? Come see what it’s all about! Bring your questions and ideas. We’ll have food to share.

Atlantic Kite Festival
Bring your kites for family fun at the annual Atlantic Kite Festival! Join us in enjoying a day of kite flying and find Every One Every Day staff handing out mini kite repair kits.

Wood Bending 101
Want to learn a unique woodworking skill? Join us as we bend and shape local lumber to contribute to a bench build. Bring close-toed shoes or boots and a helping hand!

Art and Building
Get involved in creative activities that bridge the worlds of art and building. Learn from some of the talented artists at Wonder’neath and get hands-on with power tools as we spruce up the gathering space in front of Wonder’neath, for community to enjoy!

Art and Building
Get involved in creative activities that bridge the worlds of art and building. Learn from some of the talented artists at Wonder’neath and get hands-on with power tools as we spruce up the gathering space in front of Wonder’neath, for community to enjoy!

Soil & Bulbs
Grab some gardening tools and get your hands dirty while layering soil and planting bulbs in Wonder’neath’s new community-built planter boxes. Come join Quincy and learn to use some gardening tools to prepare the planters to blossom in spring!

Let’s Make Planter Benches
Join in at the Community Build Trailer to practice using different power tools while building modular planter benches! This is a part of an ongoing community project to design and build a new gathering space in front of Wonder’neath.

Let’s Make Candle Holders
Join Rae and the Halifax Tool Library at the Community Build Trailer to make some beautiful candle holders! Have fun learning to use some woodworking tools and make a hand-made gift for yourself or a loved one.

Public Seating
Join OSO planning + design at the Community Build Trailer to get your hands on power tools to help build public seating for gathering at the new Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre Garden.

Build Drop-In Session 6
Have a project idea for the neighbourhood that we could build together? Maybe you’d like to work with others to add public seating on a nearby street, build flower boxes that can live in different spots around the neighbourhood or maybe you're curious about learning how to use different tools? Drop in and see us at the Community Build Trailer! No experience required, just bring your ideas, or even a DIY project you’d like support with and we’ll get creative together!

Garden Boxes
In this session, join Rachel at the Community Build Trailer and learn how to build basic raised garden boxes using power tools!

Chop Chop!
Come learn the basics of wood finishing as we put the finishing touches to a simple handmade cutting board for the Shop. Bring a smile or come lend your skills. Everyone is welcome.

Join Andrew at the Community Build Trailer to learn the basic wood skills needed to prepare and assemble a simple cutting board. Come share a favourite cooking memory or come lend your skills. All abilities welcome.

Build Drop-In Session 5
Have a project idea for the neighbourhood that we could build together? Maybe you’d like to work with others to add public seating on a nearby street, build flower boxes that can live in different spots around the neighbourhood or maybe you're curious about learning how to use different tools? Drop in and see us at the Community Build Trailer! No experience required, just bring your ideas, or even a DIY project you’d like support with and we’ll get creative together!

Build Drop-In Session 4
Have a project idea for the neighbourhood that we could build together? Maybe you’d like to work with others to add public seating on a nearby street, build flower boxes that can live in different spots around the neighbourhood or maybe you're curious about learning how to use different tools? Drop in and see us at the Community Build Trailer! No experience required, just bring your ideas, or even a DIY project you’d like support with and we’ll get creative together!

Community Landscaping
Time to get our hands dirty! Learn about the basics of landscaping and let’s work together to transform unused spaces into beautiful gardens!

Build Drop-In Session 3
Have a project idea for the neighbourhood that we could build together? Maybe you’d like to work with others to add public seating on a nearby street, build flower boxes that can live in different spots around the neighbourhood or maybe you're curious about learning how to use different tools? Drop in and see us at the Community Build Trailer! No experience required, just bring your ideas, or even a DIY project you’d like support with and we’ll get creative together!

Build Drop-In Session 2
Have a project idea for the neighbourhood that we could build together? Maybe you’d like to work with others to add public seating on a nearby street, build flower boxes that can live in different spots around the neighbourhood or maybe you're curious about learning how to use different tools? Drop in and see us at the Community Build Trailer! No experience required, just bring your ideas, or even a DIY project you’d like support with and we’ll get creative together!

Tools 101
Want to learn the basics about tools and how to use them safely? Join some of the amazing volunteers from the Halifax Tool Library at the Community Build Trailer in this round-robin style hands-on session. No experience necessary, all welcome.